Why Bluefin

  • Less expensive than developing an app on your own
  • Our app platform is used by hundreds of thousands of customers
  • No worries about updates and bug fixes. We take care of them
  • Faster time to market than developing on your own. Get the app released in 4-6 weeks
  • Worry free customer support. We handle customer support

App Platform

Training Schedule

Enable your customers to carry your training plan right in their pockets. Your app will display your training schedule with a well-designed and intuitive interface where customers can track their progress and always know what workout they need to do next.

GPS / Mapping

Our mobile training platform has GPS support, allowing your customers to see the distance and pace of their run with nothing more than their phone. When your app is built with RunHelper, your customers will be able to view a map of their run location and overlay their exact route on top of it.

Training Journal

Every workout is saved in an in-app workout journal so your customers can make notes about their workout and see the stats and map of their run. The Journal also features a calendar view that displays workouts by the month, giving users instant visual feedback on how often they've run in a given month.

Social Sharing

With built-in Facebook and Twitter integration, your customers can publish their runs and let their friends know how they are doing. This is a great motivational tool for those who like to be held accountable by their friends and family.

The Process


We are a boutique software development firm and take great pride in the software we develop. We don't just build software and hand it off to you; we prefer to partner with you and work with you every step of the way from design and development to customer support and app updates.


Every app we build is well-designed and easy to use, and we will customize your app the same way. Our team consists of experienced graphic designers who are passionate about usability and simplicity.


Each training app developed with our RunHelper platform is custom built. If your training plan requires a feature that our platform doesn't currently support, we will develop it.


We also handle customer support for your app. We take pride in our ability to offer one of the best customer support experiences in the app marketplace. Most of our customer support questions are answered within a few hours and often within minutes.